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@article{marris2023equilibrium, title={Equilibrium-Invariant Embedding, Metric Space, and Fundamental Set of $2\times2 $ Normal-Form Games}, author={Marris, Luke, Ian Gemp, and Georgios Piliouras}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.09978}, year={2023} }
@article{du2023alphasnake, title={Alpha{S}nake: Policy Iteration on a Nondeterministic {NP}-hard {M}arkov Decision Process}, author={Du, Kevin and Gemp, Ian and Wu, Yi and Wu, Yingying}, booktitle={AAAI 2023 Student Abstract and Poster Program}, year={2023} }
@article{gemp2023generalized, title={The Symmetric Generalized Eigenvalue Problem as a {N}ash Equilibrium}, author={Gemp, Ian and Chen, Charlie and McWilliams, Brian}, journal={ICLR}, year={2023} }
@article{marris2022nes, title={Turbocharging Solution Concepts: Solving NEs, CEs and CCEs with Neural Equilibrium Solvers}, author={Marris, Luke and Gemp, Ian and Anthony, Thomas and Tacchetti, Andrea and Liu, Siqi and Tuyls, Karl}, journal={Neurips}, year={2022} }
@article{gemp2022allpay, title={Designing all-pay auctions using deep learning and multi-agent simulation}, author={Gemp, Ian and Anthony, Thomas and Kramar, Janos and Eccles, Tom and Tacchetti, Andrea and Bachrach, Yoram}, journal={Scientific Reports}, volume={12}, number={1}, pages={1--15}, year={2022}, publisher={Nature Publishing Group} }
@article{marris2022game, title={Game Theoretic Rating in N-player general-sum games with Equilibria}, author={Marris, Luke and Lanctot, Marc and Gemp, Ian and Omidshafiei, Shayegan and McAleer, Stephen and Connor, Jerome and Tuyls, Karl and Graepel, Thore}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.02205}, year={2022} }
@article{van2022stochastic, title={Stochastic Parallelizable Eigengap Dilation for Large Graph Clustering}, author={van der Pol, Elise and Gemp, Ian and Bachrach, Yoram and Everett, Richard}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.14589}, year={2022} }
@inproceedings{yu2022teamwork, title={Teamwork Reinforcement Learning with Concave Utilities}, author={Yu, Zheng and Zhang, Junyu and Wen, Zheng and Tacchetti, Andrea and Wang, Mengdi and Gemp, Ian}, booktitle={ICLR 2022 Workshop on Gamification and Multiagent Solutions}, year={2022} }
@article{dmgamma2022, title={Developing, evaluating and scaling learning agents in multi-agent environments}, author={Gemp, Ian and Anthony, Thomas and Bachrach, Yoram and Bhoopchand, Avishkar and Bullard, Kalesha and Connor, Jerome and Dasagi, Vibhavari and De Vylder, Bart and Du{\'e}{\~n}ez-Guzm{\'a}n, Edgar A and Elie, Romuald and Everett, Richard and Hennes, Daniel and Hughes, Edward and Khan, Mina and Lanctot, Marc and Larson, Kate and Lever, Guy and Liu, Siqi and Marris, Luke and McKee, Kevin R. and Muller, Paul and Pérolat, Julien and Tacchetti, Andrea and Tarassov, Eugene and Wang, Zhe and Tuyls, Karl}, journal={AI Communications}, number={Preprint}, pages={1--14}, year={2022}, publisher={IOS Press} }
@article{gemp2022mueigengame, author={Gemp, Ian and McWilliams, Brian and Vernade, Claire and Graepel, Thore}, title = {EigenGame Unloaded: When playing games is better than optimizing}, year = {2022}, journal = {ICLR}, }
@article{gemp2022adidas, author={Gemp, Ian and Savani, Rahul and Lanctot, Marc and Bachrach, Yoram and Anthony, Thomas and Everett, Richard and Tacchetti, Andrea and Eccles, Tom and Kramár, János}, title = {Sample-based Approximation of Nash in Large Many-Player Games via Gradient Descent}, year = {2022} journal = {AAMAS}, }
@article{bachrachneural, author={Bachrach, Yoram and Gemp, Ian and Garnelo, Marta and Kramar, Janos and Eccles, Tom and Rosenbaum, Dan and Graepel, Thore}, title={A Neural Network Auction For Group Decision Making Over a Continuous Space}, year = {2021} journal = {IJCAI-21 Demonstrations Track}, } }
@article{gemp2021eigengame, author={Gemp, Ian and McWilliams, Brian and Vernade, Claire and Graepel, Thore}, title = {EigenGame: PCA as a Nash Equilibrium}, year = {2021}, journal = {ICLR}, }
@inproceedings{patel2021game, title={Game-theoretic Vocabulary Selection via the Shapley Value and Banzhaf Index}, author={Patel, Roma and Garnelo, Marta and Gemp, Ian and Dyer, Chris and Bachrach, Yoram}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies}, pages={2789--2798}, year={2021} }
@article{gempmcwilliams2019adamcycles, author={Gemp, Ian and McWilliams, Brian}, title = {The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Adam on Cycles}, year = {2019} journal = {Neurips Workshop: Bridging Game Theory & Deep Learning}, }
@article{gemp2018thesis, author={Gemp, Ian}, title = {From Optimization to Equilibration: Understanding an Emerging Paradigm in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning}, year = {2018} journal = {UMass Amherst Technical Report}, }
@article{gemp2018crosscurl, author={Gemp, Ian and Mahadevan, Sridhar}, title = {Global Convergence to the Equilibrium of GANs using Variational Inequalities}, year = {2018} journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.01531}, }
@article{liu2018proximal, title={Proximal Gradient Temporal Difference Learning: Stable Reinforcement Learning with Polynomial Sample Complexity}, author={Liu, Bo and Gemp, Ian and Ghavamzadeh, Mohammad and Liu, Ji and Mahadevan, Sridhar and Petrik, Marek}, journal={Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research}, volume={63}, pages={461--494}, year={2018} }
@article{gemp2017nips, author={Gemp, Ian and Parente, Mario and Mahadevan, Sridhar}, title = {Inverting VAEs for Improved Generative Accuracy}, year = {2017} journal = {NIPS Workshop: Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference}, }
@article{gemp2017omg, author={Gemp, Ian and Mahadevan, Sridhar}, title = {Online Monotone Games}, year = {2017} journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.07328}, }
@article{gemp2017untapped, author={Gemp, Ian and Parente, Mario and Durugkar, Ishan and Dyar, Darby and Mahadevan, Sridhar}, title = {Inverting Variational Autoencoders for Improved Generative Accuracy}, year = {2017} journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.05983}, }
@article{durugkargemp2017gman, author={Durugkar, Ishan and Gemp, Ian and Mahadevan, Sridhar}, title = {Generative Multi-Adversarial Networks}, year = {2017} journal = {ICLR}, }
@article{gemp2017datacleanse, author={Gemp, Ian and Theocharous, Georgios and Ghavamzadeh, Mohammad}, title = {Automated Data Cleansing through Meta-Learning}, year = {2017} journal = {IAAI}, }
@article{gemp2016online, author={Gemp, Ian and Mahadevan, Sridhar}, title = {Online Monotone Optimization}, year = {2016} journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.07888}, }
@article{gemp2015nonconcave, author={Gemp, Ian}, title = {Exploring the Dynamics of Variational Inequality Games with Non-Concave Utilities}, year = {2015} booktitle={NIPS Workshop: Learning, Inference, and Control of Multi-Agent Systems}, }
@article{gemp2015games, author={Gemp, Ian and Mahadevan, Sridhar}, title = {Finding Equilibria in Large Games using Variational Inequalities}, year = {2015} booktitle={AAAI Spring Symposium}, }
@article{gemp2015supplychain, author={Gemp, Ian and Mahadevan, Sridhar and Liu, Bo}, title = {Solving Large Sustainable Supply Chain Networks using Variational Inequalities}, year = {2015} booktitle={AAAI Workshop: Computational Sustainability}, }
@article{gemp2014context, author={Gemp, Ian and Mahadevan, Sridhar}, title = {Modeling Context in Cognition using Variational Inequalities}, year = {2014} booktitle={AAAI Fall Symposium}, }
@article{mahadevan2014proximal, author={Mahadevan, Sridhar and Liu, Bo and Thomas, Philip and Dabney, Will and Giguere, Steve and Jacek, Nicholas and Gemp, Ian and Liu, Ji}, title = {Proximal Reinforcement Learning: A New Theory of Sequential Decision Making in Primal-Dual Spaces}, year = {2014}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.6757}, }
@article{gemp2011cadherin, title={Cadherin-dependent cell morphology in an epithelium: constructing a quantitative dynamical model}, author={Gemp, Ian M and Carthew, Richard W and Hilgenfeldt, Sascha}, journal={PLoS computational biology}, volume={7}, number={7}, pages={e1002115}, year={2011}, publisher={Public Library of Science} }
@article{duncan2010quantitative, title={Quantitative analysis of synaptic release at the photoreceptor synapse}, author={Duncan, Gabriel and Rabl, Katalin and Gemp, Ian and Heidelberger, Ruth and Thoreson, Wallace B}, journal={Biophysical journal}, volume={98}, number={10}, pages={2102--2110}, year={2010}, publisher={Elsevier} }